Learning to breath - Part - 4. Breathing and the body.

We should keep in mind the following points in our practise.

Phases or times.
1). Inhalation, Puraka.
2). Exhalation, Rechaka
3). Internal retention with the lungs full of air, Kumbhaka-ka antara.
4). External Retention, with the lungs empty of air, Kumbha bahira.

Breathing should be expansive and sonorous.
To be able to do this you partially close the glottis and the inhalation and exhalation of air that is always done through the nostrils should emit a slight sound like it is being dragged from this area of the throat known as the dwelling place of the breath, vayu kanda. In this area where the breath is transformed in vital energy, prana is polarized at the entrance of the nostrils.

Breathing techniques that are used in Vyayam belong to the science of breathing known as Svarodaya. This science includes superior tantric techniques constituted by breathing and dynamic ventilations that are made up of 4 times (inhalation, retention, exhalation, retention), svaras; breaths produced by letting out air suddenly and with a sound, vayukas, and diverse ways of breathing that polarize our energy while the body remains still, pranayama

The types of breathing used in Vyayam are essentially of 4 varieties.
1). Of a serene character, satvico, Brahmari, svara.
It´s similar to the buzzing of a bumblebee, and its effect is sedating.
2). Pump type breathing, Bhastraka svara, has an active character, rajasic.
The thorax expands and contracts in a strong and fast way. It provides heat and energy immediately. Its practise produces great expansion of the mind.
3). Whistling type breathing, Ujjayika svara, of a passive character, tamasic.
It is produced in the higher region of the lungs and through the emission of a whistling sound, it concentrates and stabilises the mind.
4). Diaphragmatic breathing in pump form, Kapalaka svara, of an active nature, rajasic. Kapalaak breathing is diaphragmatic, and its root is in the energetic centre of the solar plexus, manipura chakra. It gives mental clarity and produces great serenity. The vibration it leaves in the mind is similar to the cosmic vibration of OM.

® Written by ~ Swami Shankaratilakananda
(All rights reserved by the author

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