Vyayam, the most ancient martial tradition of India

part 6ª


6º. Vyanga: The eagle that extends its wings in search of its prey
The eagle represents the capacity of active concentration of the yogi, the external concentration. It is performed by firstly projecting to the right and afterwards to the left. The head is projected forwards, and the eyes are kept wide open, fixed, and still. In this position mental work is very important as we should visualize and introduce ourselves into the nature of the eagle. This posture may also be performed in movement, as if the eagle were flying.

It empowers the alert state of the mind, and directly influences the balance of the backbone, by releasing energy blockages. It invigorates the kidneys and improves the opening of the energy centres in the hands and feet, (Hasta Aditala and Pada Aditala9).

7º. Vyanga: The reed (the seven-holed flute)
Standing with the feet together, the whole body is squeezed, tensing the abdomen to achieve an erect posture. The head is held high and the body resembles a reed that comes out of the water. Afterwards, the buttocks and abdomen are released and relaxed, and an absolutely still posture is maintained with minimal tension. The body moves only if the inner energy sways it. The eyes are kept closed and the attention is focused on the tan.

It is one of the most stimulating postures of the set. If it is done properly and maintained for some time, it completely regenerates the energy of the body by turning it into a channel through which the most sublime and dense energies pass. After the execution of this position, our Vyayam changes, becoming more harmonious and balanced.
It is very good to practice this posture when there is anger, aggressiveness and insomnia. It works on the basic energy core and the psychic axis, (Muladhara chakra, and Shiraakasha tantala).

8º. Vyanga: The mystical tree that has its roots in the sky and that fall to earth
The ashvatta is the sacred tree of India, and where yogis used to live. From its branches, other branches are projected to the ground and take root, forming small caves. It is very important to perform the identification process or samyama in order to absorb energy from the tree. It is a meditation posture and can be held for a long time. The knees are bent and the fingers are loose, positioning the hands at the same level as the talas, the energy distribution centres of the shoulders.

It improves the sleep state, introverts and sedates. The kidneys rest and the spine is freed, allowing energy to rise to the head.. It is recommended for meditation and its objective is to capture energy from the earth, (which is why we keep our knees bent) and from heaven (the head is stretched from the back of the neck). It activates the flow of energy on the main meridians, and works with balance on the centres of consciousness and on basic energy, harmonizing them with the three great rivers of vital energy, (Agñya chakra, Muladhara chakra and the Brahma, Ida and Pingala nadis).

9º. Vyanga: The fortified tower
It is one of the positions of the “Master Chess Board Series”. Great density is created in the body because it is completely compacted, giving inner strength and eliminating inert energy.

It strengthens the structure of the skeleton and the whole body making the mind stronger and giving the person great powers of observation and alertness. Sciatic tension is drained and it also strengthens the kidneys and activates the diaphragm. It works to strengthen energy in the body. (Manipura chakra).

10º. Vyanga: The lookout that marks the four cardinal points
We turn the whole body beginning with the head, shoulders, torso, hips and then return from the hips, torso, shoulders and head. The arm remains stretched and the eyes fixed on the index finger.

It massages the spinal column and stimulates the working of the internal organs. It tones the nervous system and brain circulation and favours concentration of the mind, awakening our intellectual faculties, and works the centre of the vital breath and the main knots of condensed energy of the life energy flow (Vishudha Chakra y Sushumna Maha Nadi).

General Energetic results

The assiduous practice of this series will move and awaken the energies of the Chakras (Centres of body energy generation and regeneration), allowing it to be distributed by the meridians and vital energy channels and balances the centre of condensation and distribution.

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